

Discover The Benefits Of Working With Gulf Pacific Seafood, Inc.

A diverse company, our sales and procurement personnel have 70 years of combined frozen seafood experience. At Gulf Pacific, we strive to develop long-term relationships with our suppliers and customers. Having these strong relationships has enabled us to maintain superior product quality. This allows us to please our customers, who demand exacting product specifications. With priceless seafood processing knowledge and contacts throughout the world, Gulf Pacific Seafood, Inc. can keep your company on the leading edge in a competitive marketplace. Put the knowledge and experience of the frozen seafood experts at Gulf Pacific Seafood, Inc. to work for you and your company.

Our Commitment To Quality and Sustainability

Our team at Gulf Pacific Seafood, Inc. specializes in white fish fillets that provide a real value to consumers who are concerned about quality at the best price. Import Fish and shrimp from Namibia, Chile, and New Zealand. We sell club-packed products to Costco and we sell food service items to restaurants and wholesalers. We deal mainly in Food Service and have recently moved into a retail pack for big box stores and clubs.

We will not import any fish containing preservatives, chemicals, or added water.

Gulf Pacific Has A Sister Company

Island Pie Shoppe

Island Pie Shoppe, which imports and distributes frozen key lime pie bites and pie slices, please visit Island Pie Shoppe for more information.

Certifications & Partners

Contact Gulf Pacific Seafood, Inc. Today

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